
I am serving as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems [TNNLS] (IF:14). Welcome for the submissions related to the generalizalbe, fair, and trustworthy AI, as well as applications in medical image.

[2024.02] I will continuously serve as Area Chair at MICCAI 2024.

[2023.12] Participanted Global Burden of Disease 2021 Study has been published in The Lancet and JACC .

[2023.10] We are orgnizing a special issue of:”Deep Learning Applications in Medical Imaging” Computation. Please send request for fully APC waive.

[2023.06] I will serve as the program committee member of 2024 IEEE First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Medicine, Health and Care (AIMHC 2024).

[2023.02] We will orgnize the MICCAI Workshop on Time-Series Data Analytics and Learning (MTSAIL) and Efficient Lesion Assessment and Follow-up (ELAF) [Website].

[2023.01] I will serve as Area Chair at MICCAI 2023.

[2022.12] Paper accepted to SPIE medical imaging for 30 min deep dive oral (~3/few hundred)

[2022.10] Papers accepted to MedIA, Research (Science Partner Journal), etc.

[2022.06] Papers accepted to IEEE T-PAMI, etc.

[2022.05] 2 papers accepted to MICCAI (both early accept, 1 oral)

[2021.10] 4 papers accepted to SPIE medical imaging for Oral (1 for 40 min deep dive oral ~3/few hundred)

[2021.07] As the leading Guest Editor for the Special Issue of “Advanced Deep learning and Neural Networks for Image Recognition” on Electronics (IF 2.397). Welcome for your great works.

[2021.07] 2 first author papers accepted to ICCV 2021 (1 Oral: 3%).

—-Our Ordinal UDA paper got FULL CREDIT in ICCV final review! (3 Best Scores!)

[2021.07] 2 first/last author papers accepted to 43rd Annual Conf. of IEEE Eng. in Med.&Bio. Society (EMBC 2021).

[2021.07] 2 first/last author papers accepted to IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (IF: 7).

[2021.06] 2 first author papers accepted to MICCAI2021 (1 early accept 13%).

[2021.06] First author paper accepted to Pattern Recognition (IF:8).

[2021.05] Instructed paper accepted to ACL 2021 (Top1 Conf. in NLP).

[2021.04] First author paper accepted to IJCAI (13.9%).

[2021.04] First author paper accepted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) (IF: 24).

[2021.03] 2 papers accepted to Annual Meeting of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) 2021.

[2021.02] Corresponding author papers accepted to ICASSP 2021.

[2021.01] 2 first author papers accepted to ISBI2021 (1 Oral).

[2020.12] First author paper accepted to Medical Image Analysis– IF: 13

[2020.12] 2 first author papers accepted to AAAI 2021.

[2020.09] 2 first author papers accepted to ICPR2020 (1 Oral <4.4%).

[2020.07] First author paper accepted to IEEE T-ITS.

[2020.07] First author paper accepted to MICCAI-Brainles.

[2020.07] First author paper accepted to ECCV 2020.

[2020.06] Start my Youth Fund as PI.

[2020.05] 4 first author papers accepted to CVPR2020 [1main conf/3ws oral]

[2020.03] I accepted the faculty offer (Instructor) @ MGH/HMS.

[2019.12] First-author papers accepted to AAAI2020 and Neurocomputing.

[2019.07] 4 papers accepted to ICCV2019 [1Oral/2Poster/1ws opening oral].

—-Our self-training paper got FULL CREDIT in ICCV final review! (3 Best Scores!)

[2019.03] First-author paper accepted to CVPR2019.

[2019.02] First-author paper accepted to IEEE T-IFS.

[2019.01] First-author paper accepted to Pattern Recognition.

[2019.01] I Joined BIDMC/Harvard Medical School as Research Fellow.

[2018.09] I won the National scholarship of PhD (Ministry of Education).

[2018.07] 3 papers accepted to ECCV2018 [2main conf/1ws oral].

[2018.07] 2 first-author papers accepted to ICPR2018.

[2018.01] My first-author paper won the [IBM Best Paper Award]